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The Fairview/South Granville Action Committee's 600+ supporters believe in density and affordable housing, but not at any expense.  Density shouldn’t destroy neighbourhood character and reduce livability for generations, and it certainly shouldn't threaten seniors who wish to stay in the home and community that they know.  Skyscrapers are incompatible with the character of the neighbourhood and are not a part of a consistent, well-thought-out plan for Broadway, Fairview and South Granville.  Drammatic increases to density and height impose unplanned stress upon the infrastructure, services and resources of the surrounding neighbourhoods and rarely provide affordable, attractive, livable housing for low and middle income people.  Perched on top of Fairview and, in many cases, more than double the height of neighbouring buildings, these will punctuate the south shore skyline, and cast a long shadow over Fairview and South Granville.  This is a watershed moment - if Jameson's proposal is allowed to proceed, other 28 floor buildings (or taller) will follow in the future.  


We support Jameson's approved application for a 16 floor building and strongly object to its proposal for a 28 floor building.  Furthermore, we agree with the City's moratorium on rezoning along Broadway while the Broadway planning process is underway.  This kind of incongruent development is precisely what the moratorium is intended to protect against, until the Plan is completed. 



Vegetable Picking


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